Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Winter Olympics New Brunswick Style

The important thing in life is not the triumph, but the fight; the essential thing is not to have won, but to have fought well.
Pierre de Coubertin

The Winter Olympics is all about stamina, strength, heartbreak and injury coupled with moments of great joy. Here in New Brunswick we have our own winter olympics that has moments of strength, stamina, depression and cabin fever. We actually shortened the name to Winter for these reasons.

We win medals too. And so far this season we have won three gold medals in our house alone.

The first  gold was for the snow blowing event. We placed first in time spent blowing and the number of times the snowblower has been used in one winter season. Swearing and frequent hand gestures at the wind and the snow gods was allowed this year or we might have only gotten the bronze. We couldn't be prouder to represent our province and country in this event although we do want it to be over.

Our guy is so far ahead you can't see the other guys.

The second gold we won for eating the most carbs and our favourite candies in the shortest time possible. We were the favourites to win this race. We won hands down (or in our mouths). Pretty good as we didn't have much time to practice since we didn't get as much funding this year.
     Lobster Mac n'Cheese. 
Many helpings later we knew we had gotten the gold.

It was really special when the talking heads complimented me on giving up the last piece of licorice so my friend could have some. I was glad to do it for him. There will be another winter like this one soon and I'll get to have the last piece next time.

I'll finish this one next time.

The third gold was a bit different for us this year.  Our huge, wild, white rabbit competed in the large animal event. We don't have a photo of him. He is quite shy and blends into the background. I have actually only seen his paw prints.  These are his paw prints on our deck and after my husband described how big he was I decided I didn't need to see him, especially at night when I get out of my car alone, to know he was a winner.  The judges were good about that and let us submit the paw prints. They were subjected to a distance, weight and size analysis and we won!!
Huge feet mean huge body. A winner!!



  1. I like your lobster and Mac gold the best. That's my kind of metal. I haven't been watching the Olympics at all. I'm not sure why, I just don't feel it this time. Stay warm!!

  2. Jennifer I am supposed to be trying to watch the "real" Olympics but I forget they are on or when I turn on the TV a bunch of people are talking about the events and they all sound the same! Pretty jaded I am. It is a warm and sunny day here so some of our snow may melt. Yay

  3. You are facing this LOOOONG winter with a sense of humour! You get gold for that!

  4. Or a form of mental illness, it's sometimes difficult to tell the difference.

  5. Yay! I cannot beat you on the lobster mac and cheese given my lobster allergy, but I can say I won gold in eating a whole box of baileys irish cream chocolates in a startling short period of time!!! I am scared of the rabbit too! Hope he is hiding around March 22nd!
