Monday, March 24, 2014

The Wicker Man Burning the Socks for Spring Event

As most Canadians will attest we have had a b#$%& of a winter and it isn't getting much better as I write this post on March 24. But this past Saturday my husband and I upped the ante on our Burn the Socks vernal equinox ceremony. In the past we have been satisfied with the burning of socks to signify the end of winter and beginning of "sockless weather". But this year we knew we had to find a stronger way to express our wishes for a great spring and summer and most particularly the end to this winter.

We settled on the "old burn the Wicker Man" vernal ceremony. Not having a lot of knowledge about this spring rite of the pagans I did some digging (looking up). I scared myself looking at what filmmakers have done with the concept by making horror films around him. Don't google Wicker Man unless you aren't easily frightened by horrible things being done to people.

We settled for the kinder, gentler version knowing we needed to send a really strong message to Mother Nature without resorting to sacrifice or torture. 

Below is the event in photos. We shared the ceremony and subsequent dinner with ten friends who were also tired of the winter and up for doing what they could to change it. Each person wrote on a piece of paper something they wished for this spring while others also added what they would like to get rid of from their life. These would be burned with the Wicker Man. Each person placed their winter socks ( usually one pair although E brought a bag full!!) B and W emptied their cupboards of seedy foods like wheat crackers and Cream of Wheat ( really trying to improve the impending harvest).
R gave up his hockey socks which he said would add to the aroma and C. offered two of her children's drawings ( much nicer than using real children) .I had a little fairy (fake) to offer and I am  still feeling a bit macabre for doing that. But I was desperate for some warm breezes and this little fairy seemed like the one to take the message for me. A bag of dried flowers and The Wicker Man was ready to burn. 

                                      The Preparation

The Wicker Man resting before his positioning

Standing the Wicker Man up for the first time.

He is in position and ready for the ceremony

      The Ceremony  

                                          Bags of socks and piles of snow to get over.
                                     Candle light preparation
                                                 Big smiles waiting turns to take the path.

                                On the path preparing to surrender the gifts to the Wicker Man

Flame Thrower

The Finale 

We did our best to bring on spring in

You are welcome!!!


  1. oh my god it was fun!!!! I am sure we will miss the big snowstorm on weds!

    1. Mother Nature may take awhile to get the message but am sure it won't be that bad on Wednesday !! Hope hope.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun and not a safety hazard with the snow!!

    1. If the fire could have burned up the snow we would have stood back and let it!!

  3. I trust you and won't google burning man! What an event. Looks like so much fun. I've never heard of this before. You were in excellent company. xoJennifer

    1. I hadn't heard of the Wicker Man ceremony either until I went looking for more info on our Burning the Socks and there he was! But you are wise not to check out the movie trailers. Hollywood hasn't done the man any favours. The people who came were great sports or maybe simply desperate to be warm.

  4. Oh how fantastic! A great way to usher in Spring (fingers crossed for you!)

    1. Don't know where you live ruth but we can take all the wishes and crossed fingers we can get. Thanks

  5. Mary, I am looking out the window at today's blizzard. You might need to do another ceremony.....

    1. We need a province wide burning to lick this winter methinks.
