Wednesday, August 19, 2015

It's done

I want to thank whoever put this saying on a journal at our local bookstore. I didn't buy the book since I have empty journals waiting for me at home but it struck a cord since I completed my second Stella Page novel this month. This saying describes what I was feeling.

It looks so tiny here considering it has taken up a large chunk of my life and of my wallet this past six months.
The actual book is larger although it stops at page 210. I tried to keep the story going with as few words as possible. A fun read for people with little time for long books but who still want to enjoy a good story. My editor seems to think I have managed to do this so hopefully my readers will also.

Self publishing is not difficult if you use one of the self publishing websites. I use Create Space through Amazon simply because I recognized Amazon! It has worked well for me although I had forgotten a lot of the inner workings from my first experience with Beyond Me.... The biggest challenge is getting the editing done and done well. My two editors for this one were great but it is quite daunting to get your novel back covered in deletes and comments for fixes. As I continue to educate myself on the process as I work inside of it, I am learning that this is what takes place when people write stuff for others.

Hope you get a chance to read it.